Here is our best reviewed tax professional in Troy


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  • Cloud and Online Accounting, Online Bookkeeping, Business Consulting, Virtual, Part-time and Outsourced CFO, Payroll and HR, Tax Preparation and Planning
“Simply the Best. Organized our business for on time accurate filing. Keeps our records so we meet both federal and state dead lines with tim...” “Simply the Best. Organized our business for on time accurate filing. Keeps our records so we meet both federal and state dead lines with timeto spare. Prompt to return calls.” More

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Fun Facts about Troy
  • The estimated median real estate property taxes paid for homes with a mortgage reported in 2013 for Troy, New York was $4,211.
  • The population of Troy who work within the city limits and also lives there is 7,683, reported by the US Census in 2013.
  • Top employers within Troy include Apprenda, Red Bull, and Red Bull.
  • There are several notable people in Troy, including Jeff Daly, James Connolly, and Mary Nash.

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2549 Eastbluff Drive #448
Newport Beach, CA 92660

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